2021/2022 Australian Awards Scholarships for Online Applicants

Australia Awards Scholarships for the academic session of 2021-2022 are now open for online applications.

AAS Scholarships are long-term awards administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. They aim to contribute to the development needs of Australia’s partner countries in line with bilateral and regional agreements.

They provide opportunities for people from developing countries, particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific region, to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions.

The study and research opportunities provided by Australia Awards Scholarships develop the skills and knowledge of individuals to drive change and contribute to development in their own countries.

Australian Awards 2021 Application Benefits

Australia Awards Scholarships are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training. The following benefits generally apply:

    • full tuition fees off
    • return air travel—payment of a single return, economy class airfare to and from Australia, via the most direct route
    • establishment allowance—a once only payment as a contribution towards accommodation expenses, textbooks, study materials
    • Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE) – a fortnightly contribution to basic living expenses paid at a rate determined by the department.
    • Introductory Academic Program (IAP)—a compulsory program prior to the commencement of formal academic studies covering information on living and studying in Australia
    • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for award holder only)—provided to cover the scholar’s basic medical costs (with the exception of pre-existing conditions)
    • Pre-course English (PCE) fees—if deemed necessary PCE may be available for students for in-country and/or in-Australia training
    • supplementary academic support may be available to ensure a scholar’s academic success or enhance their academic experience
    • fieldwork (for research awards and Masters by coursework which has a research component where fieldwork is compulsory) may be available for eligible research students for one return economy class airfare via the most direct route to their country of citizenship or within Australia

Australian Awards Scholarship Eligible Countries

Wallis and Futuna, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Palestinian Territories, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Federated States of Micronesia,

Application Procedure 2021 for Australian Awards

    • Check the opening and closing dates for your country, and select your country of citizenship/residency from the list of participating countries for specific information on eligibility, priority areas, and how to apply. See the participating countries page for opening and closing dates.
    • If you intend to apply, you must read the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook. The handbook provides information including general eligibility requirements, selection processes, entitlements, and responsibilities. Note that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade may revise and update the handbook at any time without notice.
    • Some countries encourage and allow you to apply online while others require hard-copy applications. See your participating country profile for more information
    • Go to the Online Australia Scholarships Information System (OASIS). When you register online, you will be required to answer some questions to establish your eligibility. You will then be given a unique registration number, username, and password.
    • You do not need to submit your application immediately. You can set up a draft application form and update it, and your supporting documentation, until the designated closing date as on the relevant participating country profile.
    • Once submitted, your application for the Australian Award Scholarship cannot be changed. We strongly advise applicants applying online to do so well before the closing date. OASIS experiences peak usage in the days leading up to the closing date and applicants may experience delays.
    • If you are unable to submit your application online, you can apply by mail. Please check your participating country profile for contact details to obtain a hard copy application form and any other templates such as referee reports (if applicable).
    • Completed hard copy application forms and supporting documentation must be submitted by the deadline specified by your country. See the opening and closing dates for each country

Documents required for Australian Awards Scholarship 2021

Opening and closing dates for Australian Awards Scholarships 2021

Opening and closing dates are different for each country. You can visit the country-wise profile to check the deadline and opening dates of the Australian Awards Scholarship for your country.


  1. I’m Ethiopian I need PhD scholar ship in Austrlia in in Biology ( fish &fishery, Entomology, Wild life management, etc) I’ve MSc in Ecological and systematic zoology and 8 yrs work experience.

  2. I’m Ethiopian. I’ve MSc in Ecological and systematic zoology. I want PhD scholarship in Australia.

    • This is Bezawork Maru from Ethiopia, currently am pursuing MSC in accounting & finance at kotebe metropolitan university & I left only thesis for graduation if I got z chance I Wana operate my thesis as a scholarship basis

  3. How can one access the website from the country he comes from isn’t there a link which can help and guide interested participants??

  4. My Name is ABDU KEBEDE YIMER from ETHIOPIA, I have a BA Degree in Management minor Accounting from BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY and I want to be one of those candidates that gain this scholarship.

    sincerely yours


  5. My Name is Ezedin tareke and i,m from Ethiopia and also have BSc degree in food scince and post harvest technology .and i have intersted to learen masters in human nutiretion from your university

  6. I’ m Lema tefera I’m Ethiopian university lecture I need scholarship of linguistic Anthropology or social Anthropology please try to help me

  7. My name is Tadesse Tsudo Gawsho. I am from Ethiopia. I have Msc in Chemistry. Now I need a PhD scholarship in chemistry fields.

  8. my name is Getaneh Enyew from Ethiopia .i have bsc degree of hydrualics and water resource engineering now i want to join the scholarship

  9. This is Ayenew Asefa from Ethiopia. I want to give a chance. I am graduated BA in Accounting and MBA in Construction Mmanagement.I need masters in Accounting and finance or PhD in construction management.

    • my name is Nuredin Enyew from Ethiopia .i have bsc degree of Disaster risk management and sustainable development now i want to join the scholarship

  10. I’m From Somalia, I want to learn Electrical lower engineer.
    I have my first degree of electrical engineering.

  11. With gratitude and affection ,I extend my applicant letter to join ur school because like to studying in USA

  12. I would like to apply for an undergraduate program, any commerce related program, I am Blessings phiri from Malawi.

  13. My name is Muhammed Jundi Abde from Turkey i have becholar degree of software engineering I want to study Related field in masters .

  14. I have Msc in Urban Land Development Management
    and I would like to study my Phd. In the area of this Program.

  15. I am Desalegn from Ethiopia and I wish to study in your University

    Right Know I am studying Management From Well know Ethiopia University which is called Bahir dar University

    I have 3.88 point average .

    I wait your good news


    • I am interested in the facility of medicine
      I have Bsc.N .I am from Ethiopia.I want to study in Msc. In nursing or related field
      With gratitude and affection ,I extend my applicant letter to join ur school because like to studying in USA

  16. My name is Ebisa Negesa Guteta ,I have Bsc degree in mettu unversity department of civil engineering. Know i will wish to learn Msc of Construction managnent .if you get a chance.

  17. My name is Solomon Assaye I am from ethiopia, l have Bsc degree in electrical and computer enginering.l need scholarship

  18. Am Sandra Akullu , am interested in this offer, I have a bachelor’s in development studies, I will be glad once granted the opportunity

  19. please my names are ifeanyi emmanuel elisha from Biafra country please i need this your scholarship awards I so much need because it will help me to bring my family out of poverty, thank you and God bless

  20. I need the scholarship to advance my studies. I want to upgrade to Bsc Forensic science and Criminology
    I have done Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology

  21. I’m hopefully to wait your respond, I want to study master degree, contact me through my information below.

  22. My name is Tamirat Dibaba Winsa I have BA degree in Economics from Rift valley university and I worked with menschen fur menschen foundation for 4years and 8months basically on agriculture and women in development so please help me to this scholarship access.from Oromia region Ambo


    • i am munzal abubkar from nigeria . i have a Bsc degree in biochemistry. i need to study my Msc in our university

  24. My Name is amme Dine,,live in ETHIOPIA iam interested in scholarships in program in( MSC)of BA degree in accounting and finance email,ammeDine1@gmail.com phone 0939768209 thank you granted opportunity

  25. my name is munzali abubakar iliyasu from nigeria. i have a Bsc in Biochemistry and i want to study Msc if get your scholaship

  26. My name is Hailu nega eshetie i’m from Ethiopia I have Master degree in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering in Arba minch university and i am interested to study PhD i need to get this scholarship please .

  27. I really need the scholarship.I need to do Masters on International law specicialising with children and those with disabilities.I have an LLB honours degree.

    • My Name is Nuredin Ahmed from Ethiopia. I have BSc degree in Disaster risk management and sustainable development
      I would like to have a scholarship of MSc from this University by climate change and disaster risk management

  28. Name Abebe Berkit
    Nationality Ethiopians
    Sex male
    First degree. Accounting and finance from the wolkite university
    Graduated date July, 2019
    Experience 2 years
    I went to earning masters degree in economics,risk management and anathors related filed
    First of all I went to thanks for all

    • I am interested in the facility of medicine
      I have Bsc.N .I am from Ethiopia.I want to study in Msc. In nursing or related field
      With gratitude and affection ,I extend my applicant letter to join ur school because like to studying in USA

  29. l am interested to join and study in your university
    Obtained masters in applied linguistics and want to study PhD in phonetics

  30. I am interested in the facilities of social science and I have BA degree in public administration and dev’t mngt I would like to have scholarship of Msc from your unversity

  31. My name is dawid hussein from Ethiopia. I want to study phd in your university. I have msc degree in production forestry. My interest of specialization with fields like agroferstry, biodiversity conservation and management , forest mgmt and ecology, climate change and so forth. Thank u for your consideration.

    • My name is Kabuye Lineker am from Uganda am coming from a very poor family I am in s2 but I would like to study but I have no support and money

  32. My name is Hailu Abebe Jima I want to study Masters of Business Administration program & iam graduated BSc in Rural Development, interest to learn masters. So please my confirmed me if give me opportunity contact on email adders hailuabebe61@gmail.com. or call +251 913 03 83 10

  33. Dear sir/Madam
    I am Geedeh conference from Liberia west Africa to be precise sinkor, 18th street Barclay Avenue, Monrovia, Liberia I saw this marvelous scholarship concerning Australian awards scholars and I am kindly asking you people’s for me to CONTINUE my EDUCATION. Is too difficult for me to CONTINUE my EDUCATION since I graduated from W.P.L.BRUMSKINE UNITED METHODIST HIGH SCHOOL. THANKS FOR UR UNDERSTANDING


  35. My name is Milkesa Hailu Dibaba from Ethiopia. I want to study Msc in your university. I have degree in Veterinary medicine My interest of specialization with fields like Veterinary public health Epidemiology, Biomedical and so forth. Thank u for your consideration.

    • Hi there!
      Hope you are doing fine.
      I am here saying that I am very interested to apply to this scholarship.
      I have Bachelor degree in Biblical studies and community development outreach.
      I want to study Social Work and management.

  36. Am very much happy to have this opportunity to apply online for a specific program which am going to choose for me to understand more about my area of study.

  37. I am maketh Deng John from South Sudan,very interested in your offer for scholarship,I have a bachelor degree in pure economics and I would like to pursue my master degree in financial economics, taxation policy, economic development and policy analysis, economics and statistics as well as applied economics

  38. I am mowliid mohamed from somalia and i am very interested for your scholarship i have a bachelor degree of pure economics and i would like to learn my master degree political economy i would like to accept me my
    request thank you very much

  39. I would like to study in Australia in bachelor of law as an undergraduate student. I’m a Zimbabwean student

  40. Am a cameroonian with a master 1diploma in the university of douala with an option in money and banking i will be great full if am given the opportunity to foster my education in any university of your choice.i temain humble

  41. Am Livingstone from Uganda am a senior four lever I will be Great full when I get chance to foster my education in any of those universities because I will be the first one in our village to achieve such

  42. Dear Sir,
    Just to acknowledge you about me first I’m Abraham Sagno live in Guinea Conakry and I will be very happy if be offer the opportunity of getting scholarship form your University.

  43. Hey, i am hana from ethiopia. I wanna learn a batchlor degree at u organization. I can not afford to study abroad, could u help me to get this chance please

  44. i am johnathan tumwine from uganda, i would be honored if given this scholarship opportunity in the field of humanities and social work at masters level

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