2022 – Curtin Humanitarian Fund Scholarship

About this scholarship

The Curtin Humanitarian Fund Scholarship has been developed by Curtin University to support Curtin undergraduate and postgraduate students from a refugee-like background who are experiencing financial difficulty in meeting the costs of pursuing higher education.

The fund is in accordance with Curtin’s long-standing, formal commitment to Ethics and Social Justice.

  • Future Students

  • Centre for Aboriginal Studies
  • Faculty of Business and Law
  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Science & Engineering
    • Science courses
    • Engineering courses
    • Western Australian School of Mines (WASM)

  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate coursework

  • Australian Citizen
  • Australian Permanent Resident
  • New Zealand Citizen
  • Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • International Student

  • Need Based
The Curtin Humanitarian Fund Scholarship will provide a range of funds to support educational costs. The funding amount will be dependant on the circumstances of the individual recipient.


Scholarship Details

  • All undergraduate degrees
  • Postgraduate degrees in masters by coursework only
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for the Curtin Humanitarian Fund Scholarship:

  • Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder, New Zealand citizen or an international student holding one of the following visas:
    • Bridging Visa E holder in Australia
    • Bridging Visa A holder in Australia
    • Bridging Visa XA holder in Australia
    • Temporary Protection Visa (subclass 785)
    • Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (subclass 790)
  • Currently reside within Australia
  • Receive a full offer* of admission and enrol into:
    • An undergraduate degree at Curtin University in 2022 Semester 1 or
    • A postgraduate [masters by coursework] degree at Curtin University in 2022 Semester 1 or Trimester 1
  • Be from a refugee-like background, or the relative/dependant of such a person, who experienced forced migration and may have entered Australia in a number of ways including:
    • Off-shore approved refugee or humanitarian entrant
    • Onshore, community based Asylum Seeker or refugee
    • Temporary Protection Visa holder, Safe Haven Enterprise Visa or Bridging Visa
    • Family reunion
  • Able to provide details of refugee background
  • Financial hardship

*Full offer of admission:

Applicants must have received a full offer of admission into their intended course by the time the scholarship is awarded after main round domestic course offers.

Apply Also: University of Southern Denmark International PhD Scholarships-2020

Application process

Step 1: Access online application form

  • Applications are to be submitted using the online application form. Access the form by clicking on the ‘Apply Online’ button on the top right-hand side of this page

Step 2: Complete

  • Complete the application form online
  • Application form can be saved at any point of the process
  • Multiple scholarships can be applied for at one time
  • Tips on how to complete your application can be found under the Applying for scholarships link on the scholarships website

Step 3: Submit

  • Closing date is listed at the top of the page
  • Incomplete applications will not be assessed
  • Once submitted, application status will change to submitted

Step 4: Receipt

  • Application receipt will be sent to the email address provided when you created your Curtin account, once your application has been submitted

Step 5: Assessment

  • Applications will be assessed by an assessment panel using the following criteria:
    • Receipt of an offer of a place into an eligible degree at Curtin University in 2022
    • Responses to questions in application form
    • Financial hardship and socioeconomic status
    • Refugee status / background

Step 6: Outcome

  • Outcome will be sent after main round domestic course offers (all successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified)

Step 7: Acceptance

  • Successful applicants must return acceptance documents by the date listed in the Terms and Conditions
  • Deferral of this scholarship is not permitted

Please note:

  • Scholarship will be awarded if there are applicants of sufficient need
  • Scholarship will commence from first semester of study
  • Scholarship is not transferable to another university


Enrolment Requirements

Recipients must meet all of the following:

  • Maintain enrolment (minimum of 25 credits) each study period at Curtin University
  • Maintain a course weighted average (CWA) of at least 50
  • Fail no more than one unit each study period

Changes to Enrolment

If a recipient intends to change their enrolment, they must also apply in writing to the Scholarships Office (scholarships@curtin.edu.au) for approval BEFORE the change. The Scholarships Office will advise how the change will affect their scholarship.

Withdrawal or Terminated from units or course: A recipient who withdraws from their units or course of study, or has been terminated from their studies will become ineligible for the continuation of the scholarship, will not receive any further payments and will be required to repay to Curtin University the stipend awarded for that study period if applicable.



Scholarships Office

E: scholarships@curtin.edu.au

T: 1300 222 888

Frequently Asked questions: https://askcurtin.custhelp.com/app/answers/list/kw/scholarship


Further Information

For advice on how to complete your application can be found under the ‘Application Advice’ tab on the scholarships website

For further information about holding more than one scholarship contact scholarships@curtin.edu.au


  1. Bonjour je m’appelle Nathan Kashama tshimbalanga et je vais bientôt entrer à l’université pour faire l’entrepreneuriat j’aurais voulu que ça soit la vôtre, j’ai toujours aimé de devenir un grand entrepreneur mais j’aurais bien besoin d’une université pour bien réalisé mes rêves

  2. I am very much interested in this scholarship not because I want to but to also do environment changes on my education. Environment change has a greater change on human life, because u will encounter meaning changes and learned new things.

    • Greeting. My name is moustafa Elkafafi from Egypt and im an inventor i need to study aircraft engineering by scholarship, As i say i have my invention for jet engine fighter plane it prototype it works under the water, i have others, but i need the application for university and need accpting, i want your assist, thanks with all respect waiting your help.

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  4. I am very interested my name is Alemayehu Woga Dangaro i graduated from Arbaminch college of health science by field of pharmacy and i interested to study bachelor’s science in pharmacy now i am technical assistant at arbaminch university please help me..

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