Cryptocurrency Scholarship Funds in Europe & USA Curtain University-Fully Funded

About Scholarships

We’ve launched an innovative new Cryptocurrency PhD Scholarship Fund, alongside Curtin University Australia, which will enable companies and individuals to donate cryptocurrency to fund PhD students in the areas of blockchain, cybersecurity and data analytics.

The crowd-sourced fund uses a Web 3.0 payment system developed by us and project partners Nelnet International to enable real-time, peer-to-peer payments on both Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains.

As the fund is built, a series of projects will be announced which students can apply for, while significant donors of cryptocurrency will have named PhD Scholarships in their areas of interest.

Curtin University

Curtin University Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research Excellence Professor Garry Allison said the scholarship fund was a great opportunity for investors in cryptocurrencies to help nurture a new crop of PhD graduates who can further develop these new technologies in the future.

“Further work is required to identify and develop those applications that are best suited to the attributes of blockchain and Curtin University is responding to this by establishing the Cryptocurrency PhD Fund.”

Eligibility & How to Apply

The Cryptocurrency PhD Scholarship Fund will enable peer-to-peer payments from donors to Curtin University with both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Centrality will also make its Web 3.0 platform and developer toolkits available for students and researchers. This will enable the Curtin community to use real-world software to build decentralised applications that leverage the latest technology, like Industry 4.0.

Centrality Group General Manager Jerome Faury said the fund would have a significant impact on both workforces and blockchain research.

“As cutting edge technology like Web 3.0 and Industry 4.0 rapidly evolves, the agreement with Curtin will ensure that graduates are able to use up-to-the-minute skills to contribute to a future which focuses on digital equality and putting consumers back in control of their data,” Mr Faury said.

“These graduates won’t just research technology, they’ll contribute positively to building a more equitable digital economy.”

Curtin is working with payment platform provider Nelnet International to offer a seamless experience to those contributing to the fund.

Nelnet International Managing Director David Heffernan said Nelnet International was excited to be partnering with Curtin and Centrality, to deliver blockchain specific applications.

To make a cryptocurrency donation to the fund or for more information, visit here.

About Curtin University

Curtin is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide, with the University placed in the top 200 globally and 9th in Australia according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2018.

The University has built a reputation around innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit, being at the forefront of many high-profile research projects in astronomy, biosciences, economics, mining and information technology. It is also recognised globally for its strong connections with industry, and for its commitment to preparing students for the jobs of the future.


    • I am Foday Theophilus koroma from Sierra leone west Africa I would like to be part of this scholarship. I would be grateful if I am given this opportunity to enrol, I promise to work hard and collaboratively to meet your institution’s demands. While waiting for my reply

  1. It will be a dream xome true if i complete my masters degree through the help frim you. I wish to continue my masters degree through your help.

  2. I am million Abuye from Ethiopia
    Dear members of the scholarship committee or to whom it many concern do thank you the committee for considering
    I am a junior in medical laboratory science program
    I graduated from Addis Ababa university of my class in 2020
    Thank for your consideration

  3. اهلا وسهلا بكم ،،انا مواطن من الجزاءر افكر واجتهد لكي اخترع الساعة القمرية باليوم القمري اتمنی ان تكون هذه الفكرة في متناول الجميع حتی تصبح هذه العملية الحسابية تدرس للاجيال القادمة
    وفي الاخير تقبلو مني فاءق التقدير والاحترام

    زاوي خالد من الجزاءر

    • Thank God for this long awaited chance i have been longing for. God bless the organisers

      It has been my headache on how to solve the chunk of problems in my country Ghana, as a result i ended up learning sociology at the University of Cape Coast Ghana. On graduating i intended to further my master to help this vision to grow, yet finance is a chalenge, please give me this oppotunity to help my country.

  4. Pls i want to study medical laboratory science, for a better tommorrow,so as to fulfill my dreams as a student and also to make my country proud and my parents as well

  5. اهلا وسهلابكم،،، انا موطن من الجزاءر احب القراءة والتعلم وكذلك البحث في مجال الحساب واني اجتهد وافكر لكي اجد مسار عقارب الساعة القمرية لاختراع الساعة القمرية باليوم القمري وهذه الفكرة من اجتهادي واتمنی ان تكون في متناول جميع العقول الذكية والمبدعة في هذا المجال لكي تدرس مستقبلا للاجيال القادمة وتبقی نظرية حسابية خاصة للمسار الزمني للقمر
    وفي الاخير تقبلوا مني فاءق التقدير والاحترام
    زاوي خالد من الجزاءر

  6. Such scholarship are so helpful especially for us who want to undertake undergraduate studies but incapable financially

  7. انا مواطن حزاءري اجتهد وافكر لكي اخترع الساعة القمرية وهذه النظرية الحسابية من اجتهادي واتمنی ان تكون هذه النظرية في متناول جميع العقول الذكية والمبدعة في هذا المجال

  8. my name is Reyad Ahmedtayeb,I am Ethiopian,I have Msc in Animal breeding and Genetics,I hope to study PhD programme,if i will get these opportunity

    • I graduated in mechanical Engineering for Arba minch university in Ethiopia and i will like to study more in United stastes of America.

  9. I am glad to learn out side my homeland .It is nice to learn in first class University in the world which is Curtn University

    • Hello family, my name Alvin T. Boway and I join you from Monrovia, Liberia. I been wishing to continue my education in the state and I think this is the appropriate time. am interested Sir.

  10. I by the name Suzan Ani Angelo am 19 years old and I would like to apply for the scholarship opportunity offered by your esteem office

  11. I have BSc degree by mechanical engineering with about three years experience please contact me for further information through +251921100908

  12. I have BSc degree by mechanical engineering with about three years experience Please contact me for further information through +251921100908. I am interested for such scholar ship. I am waiting for your positive responses.

  13. My name is Kaleb Tashome I am second year Management Student At Addis Ababa University i Want to Learn Polotical Science and international relation At One of USA Universitys.

  14. Iam a young man raised in Uganda,very optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency in Uganda and Africa at large
    It will be a greatest opportunity if am allowed to study in such a prestigious university.

  15. It has been my dream to study abroad. I hereby request for a consideration from the concerned authorities. I have bachelor’s degree in Tourism management and would like to do my master’s degree in Australia

  16. I want to attend PHD program. I am post graduate in Economics in Assosa university, Ethiopia. Please can you help me to attend the study?

  17. I’m interested I need to get this chance more important for me an I wanna to learning us&plz supporting info or help center/contact me if u can,zn I v’e waiting every day I will see ur website so/to v’e any suggestions I will check to ready,don’t forget this when I get, I am ready to go learning I wish to get in dream my,university so thanks for all&to preparing about this cryptocurrencey scholarship opportunity it Good thinking and also appreciate for all

  18. I am Soua Tokpa FELEMOU from Guinea and now i finishe studing the french language from the Institut Superior of Sciences and Education from Guinea ( ISSEG). I am very interesting by this programmes !

    • Am interested please, I will love it if am given the opportunity to school abroad thanks.
      Am Stephanie moses undergraduate want to study law.

  19. I am Soua Tokpa FELEMOU from Guinea ,i was very interesting by this programmes. I need this,if i get , i will be happy. Can we help me ?

  20. I am Ted Clysley and I’m very interesting in this opportunity, it’s Will be wonderful if I get this scholarship to continues study and learning more about mining. My favorite dream be is to become an expert or/and engineer

  21. My name is Tadesse Endalew I am from Africa Ethiopia and I have BA Degree in literature .I want to learn MA any field .I expect

  22. I like scholarship I’m a high school graduate and seeking your help to move ahead with my education, please help me, I’m a young man need this great opportunity please help me, I’m in Liberia Monrovia now , thanks for understanding and helping me in advance.

  23. I am ermias merete I am from Africa Ethiopia and I am happy for the chance of this opportunity and I know God’s help me

  24. I would like to have this opportunity because this chance is already my mission please select me I won’t disappoint

  25. Hi I am interested in your scholarship program. I have graduated with bachelor degree of civil engineering from Wolkite University in Ethiopia. It was my huge dream to get this privilege and update my academic status for better amendment! What makes you happy than helping others to live their dream!

  26. My name is tibesso kedir egato I am banker in Ethiopia I have five years experience in bank ,I need scholarships by MBA programs

  27. I will be one of the happiest beain on earth if I ever given the opportunity to study abroad. And it will be my dream come true
    Im a graduate in computer science

    • I am very interested in fully funded US scholarship to attend undergraduate of business and accounting subjects from Myanmar undergraduate student.

  28. It is my dream to study abroad. I would love to pursue my dreams, and career in a prestige institution. I am hoping for you to pick me as one of the scholars. If given a chance, I’ll take, and make extra effort, for you to not regret in choosing me.

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